For some reason, it's still difficult to find podcasts, download them and get them to the people that want to listen. In this blog, we're going to show you how to find the Rugby Bricks Podcast on your iPhone or Android device.

How To Listen To The Podcast On Your iPhone, Subscribe & Leave A Review

1. You're going to need to go to the App Store on your phone and download the Podcasts app from the App Store.

Select "App Store" and open it up

2. From here you're going to want to go to the bottom right icon with a magnifying glass called search and then enter the word "Podcasts" in the search bar

3. If you've got the app on your phone just select "OPEN" or "DOWNLOAD" and wait for it to install

4. Once the Podcasts app is downloaded open the app and again go to the bottom right icon with the magnifying glass called search and enter "Rugby Bricks" in the search bar

Tap the first image with Pete on it.

5. Once you've landed on the home screen you can choose to download any of the episodes you like all three of them are great. To subscribe all you have to select the "Subscribe" button to get updates for further episodes coming out (Keep an eye out for Monty Betham and Aaron Smith episodes coming in a few weeks)

To download them all you have to do is hit the cloud with download symbol and icon.

6. Once you've had a listen, scroll down until you get to this screen

6. Tap the "Write A Review" button and slide your finger across to select how many stars you want to leave and that's it!

Or just follow this link and you'll be guided by Apple.

How To Listen & Follow The Podcast On Spotify

1. Open Spotify on your phone

2. In the search bar enter "Rugby Bricks" and select the first episode

3. From here you can then go to "See all episodes"

4. Once you've selected "See all episodes" you can then select to "FOLLOW" the podcast and then you can also start listening to whatever episodes you like

5. To download episodes all you have to do is hit the downwards arrow icon and you're done! Or hit this link to be taken straight there on Spotify.

If you're entering our competition to win a Rugby Bricks Kicking Tee of your choice and Limited Edition Gilbert Super Rugby Memorabelia Ball Size 5 (they're only making these for the remainder of this year as the Crusaders move to a new logo & the removal of the Western Force from Super Rugby) send us a screenshot on email, Insta or Facebook and you'll go in the draw to win of these each week until the end of November 2019.

Lastly, we're super stoked to launch this podcast and we'd love it if you could please share it with those who you think the show would be valuable too.

We've dropped some gold nuggets into this and have got some great guests lined up so stay tuned.

Kale Panoho